Splatoon 3: How to Master the Game and Dominate the Turf

Splatoon 3: How to Master the Game and Dominate the Turf

18/09/2024 08:57 All8game


Splatoon 3 is the latest installment in the popular Nintendo franchise, offering fast-paced, ink-splatting action. Whether you’re a veteran Inkling or a new player, there are numerous strategies to learn and master to succeed in the colorful chaos of Splatoon 3. In this guide, we will walk you through how to get started, improve your gameplay, and become a master of turf battles.

1. How to Get Started in Splatoon 3

When you first dive into Splatoon 3, you’ll need to understand the basics of the game. The main objective in Turf War, the core mode of the game, is to cover the arena with your team’s ink color. You do this by shooting ink from your weapon while moving strategically.

New players should focus on getting comfortable with the controls. The game’s motion controls provide a more precise aiming mechanism compared to traditional stick controls. It might take time to adjust, but it’s worth the effort. Practice aiming while moving to develop your reflexes.

Choosing Your Weapon

The first decision you’ll make is which weapon to use. Weapons range from Splat Chargers, which work like sniper rifles, to Splat Rollers, which allow you to cover large areas of turf quickly. Experiment with different weapons to find one that fits your playstyle.

2. How to Understand Game Modes

Splatoon 3 offers various game modes, including Turf War, Ranked Battles, and Salmon Run. Turf War is the most common and the mode that most players start with. It’s a 4v4 mode where the goal is to cover as much ground as possible in your team’s ink.

Ranked Battles are for players who want a more competitive experience. The rules here change depending on the mode, which includes Splat Zones, Tower Control, Rainmaker, and Clam Blitz. Ranked Battles are more complex, and coordination with teammates is key.

Salmon Run

Salmon Run is a cooperative mode where you and your team face waves of enemies while collecting golden eggs. It’s available during certain hours of the day and can be an excellent way to sharpen your skills while earning rewards.

3. How to Move Efficiently

Movement is everything in Splatoon 3. Mastering the art of movement will give you a significant edge in battle. Use your ink to swim through the map at high speed, dodging enemy attacks and covering turf faster than your opponents.

When you’re not attacking, stay submerged in your ink to avoid detection. This allows you to surprise enemies and escape dangerous situations quickly.

Super Jumping

Super Jumping is a powerful movement technique that lets you quickly leap across the map to a teammate’s location. Press the X button to open the map and select a teammate to jump to. Be careful, though, as landing can leave you vulnerable to enemy attacks.

4. How to Use Sub-Weapons and Specials

Every weapon in Splatoon 3 comes with a sub-weapon and a special weapon. Sub-weapons include things like Splat Bombs, Sprinklers, and Beakons. These provide support by damaging enemies, marking their locations, or creating defensive zones.

Special weapons are even more powerful. You charge these by covering the map with ink. Once charged, you can unleash devastating attacks like the Ink Storm, which rains ink over a wide area, or the Tenta Missiles, which target and splat multiple enemies.

Maximizing Special Usage

Don’t hold onto your special weapon for too long. Use it as soon as it’s charged to maintain control of the battle. Coordinate with your team to maximize its effectiveness, especially during critical moments in the game.

5. How to Understand Team Play

Splatoon 3 is all about teamwork. Solo players won’t get far in modes like Ranked Battles. Communicating with your team and focusing on objectives will always lead to better results.

Use the map to see where your teammates and enemies are. This will help you plan your next move, whether it’s defending an area, supporting your teammates, or launching an attack.

Reviving Teammates

Though there is no formal revive mechanic in Splatoon 3, jumping to your teammates’ aid when they are in trouble is critical. Cover them while they respawn, or help them take out enemies in their vicinity.

6. How to Master Weapon Loadouts

Every weapon loadout in Splatoon 3 is different, and knowing how to use your loadout properly is key to success. Each weapon has a specific range, damage, and ink efficiency, so pick one that matches your role on the team.

For example, Splat Rollers are great for inking large areas but struggle in direct combat. Meanwhile, Splat Chargers are excellent for long-range sniping but are weak at inking territory. Understanding your weapon’s strengths and weaknesses is crucial.

Customizing Gear

In addition to weapons, you can also customize your character’s gear, which provides passive bonuses like faster movement speed or quicker special charge. Tailor your gear to complement your weapon choice and your preferred playstyle.

7. How to Utilize the Map

The map is your greatest ally in Splatoon 3. By frequently checking the map, you can see where your team’s ink is spread and where enemies are concentrating their efforts. Use this information to make strategic decisions.

Pay attention to areas that aren’t covered by your team’s ink. Often, the outcome of a Turf War comes down to the last 30 seconds, so make sure you’re constantly inking new areas and reclaiming lost ground.

Defending Key Areas

Certain areas of the map are more important than others, especially in Ranked Battles. Focus on holding high ground or choke points that give your team a tactical advantage.

8. How to Adapt to Different Maps

Each map in Splatoon 3 presents unique challenges. Some maps are wide open, perfect for long-range weapons, while others are more confined, favoring close-quarters combat. Understanding the layout of the map you’re on will help you decide which areas to focus on.

Learning the optimal routes on each map will allow you to move efficiently and surprise your enemies. Experiment with different strategies on each map until you find what works best.

Terrain Mastery

Certain maps have elements like sponges or gates that change as you ink them. Use these features to your advantage, blocking enemy movement or creating new paths for your team.

9. How to Improve in Ranked Battles

If you’re looking to climb the ranks in Ranked Battles, you need to focus on both individual skill and team coordination. Ranked Battles require more than just inking turf; they involve capturing zones, controlling towers, or transporting the Rainmaker.

Stay calm under pressure and communicate with your teammates. Winning in Ranked Battles often comes down to having a coordinated team that knows how to execute objectives while maintaining pressure on the enemy.

Practicing for Improvement

Improvement in Ranked Battles comes with practice. The more you play, the more you’ll understand how to react in critical moments. Focus on learning from each match and refining your strategy.

10. How to Stay Calm Under Pressure

Splatoon 3 is fast-paced, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, especially during intense moments. The key is to stay calm and focus on your objectives. Don’t panic when you’re losing ground; instead, think strategically about how to regain control.

Maintain awareness of the battlefield and make quick decisions based on the situation. Stay in constant communication with your team and always have a plan for your next move.

Staying Positive

Losing a match can be frustrating, but it’s important to stay positive and learn from your mistakes. Every game is an opportunity to improve, and staying focused on your long-term goals will help you succeed.


Mastering Splatoon 3 requires time, patience, and practice. From learning the basics of movement and teamwork to mastering advanced techniques in Ranked Battles, there’s always something new to learn. With the right strategies, you’ll be dominating the turf and climbing the ranks in no time.

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